Take the first step to an organized environment.
It starts with a free 30-minute phone consultation to talk about your needs, goals and priorities. At our first session, we'll walk through your home or office and review your biggest challenges. Next, we'll develop an action plan, roll up our sleeves and get to work. I’ll be right beside you helping you make the tough decisions about what to do with your stuff. As we work together you will learn new skills to help you maintain an organized and clutter-free life.
Make your office work for you.
An efficient day begins with an organized office. I'll help you create a space that encourages productivity by getting rid of distracting clutter and streamlining your paper flow, so you can find what you need when you need it.
Create an orderly home.
Get your closets, kitchens, bedrooms, living and dining-rooms, play areas and bathrooms in shape. We'll work side-by-side to free you from clutter and disorganization: sorting clothes, establishing systems for handling paper, even getting your “to do” list in order...whatever it takes to maximize your home's efficiency and make the most of your space and time.
Improve your move.
Moving is stressful. I'll make it a better experience for you, with pre-move purging of unwanted items, coordinating with movers, and unpacking and setting up your new space.